Your oil-filled transformers must be equipped with a retention system at least equal to the volume of the hydrocarbons they contain, i.e. 100%. This is the total retention process. This means that your installation and its operation will be in line with the European standard EN 61936-1.
The ERT® range with the ERT retention tank also addresses the hydrocarbons pool fire risk for electrical transformers. The range is equipped with special fire suppressing baffles across the top of the tank. These baffles are specially engineered to accelerate the passage of burning oil into the tank under the baffles. Once the hot oil is “trapped” in the tank, the fire almost instantly self-extinguishes due to insufficient air penetration and oxygen depletion.
Moreover, because the suffocation phenomenon is very rapid, the temperature rise inside the tank is low and thermal runaway that could lead to the acceleration of the fire’s propagation is made almost impossible. The device therefore acts passively and simultaneously on 2 of the 3 components of the fire triangle in a simple yet effective way.
ERT retention tank technology has been tried and tested for over 20 years and complies with NFC-13200